How Do You Make Your Business Stand Out?

Written & Submitted By: Julie Morris

How Do You Make Your Business Stand Out?
That’s a hard question to answer, and there are thousands of different ways that businesses might step ahead of the competition. However, most small businesses can save time and money while boosting online engagement in making their customers happier by implementing a few services and strategies that turn customers into cash.


Branding is a crucial service, and knows exactly how to streamline your business so that your brand is recognizable across all platforms. Not only does branding help your business be more recognizable, maintaining a consistent brand across all platforms ensures that your customers can find you quickly and easily, meaning they’re more likely to knock on your door than to drive down the road to the competition.

Web Personalization

People love to be called by name, and web personalization solutions offer you the opportunity to make their visit to your site more relevant. This type of software optimizes the customer experience and helps you tailor your message to their behavioral, geographical, and other demographic data. In other words, you’ll greet your customer in language and with information they want to hear.

Time-Saving Strategies

There is a long laundry list of different things you can do to free up minutes in your day. The ShoeBoxed blog touches on several of these, including making lists, adding things to your calendar, and ditching unnecessary paperwork. One way to achieve the latter is to form an LLC. This business structure requires very little in terms of documentation, and that can free you up to focus on more important aspects of your operation. A quick tip here is to use an online formation service to form your LLC instead of paying an attorney to handle the simple process for you.

Add Accounting Software

If you are still keeping up with your books with carbon copy receipts, it’s time to stop. There are many free (and paid) accounting software programs that allow you to keep track of your in and outbound cash. If you’re ready to pay for service, you’ll also get access to inventory management, live support, and advanced reporting.

Pay For Expertise

Have you ever heard of the term freelancer? If not, it’s time to do your research. A freelancer is simply an individual who does not work for a specific company but has expertise in a specific area, such as software development, social media marketing, or retail merchandising. You can pretty much find a freelancer for any specialized task you might have. TestGorilla offers several tips on hiring freelancers, including understanding your objectives and goals, asking about their certifications, and running your first pick through a free trial to see how they work out.

Offer Self-Serve Options

While customer service is still a people-facing industry, there are plenty of ways that you can allow your customers to serve themselves without losing their respect. And in some cases, your customers will appreciate bypassing the small talk (not to mention the lines) and handling certain things on their own. Hotels, for example, often offer contactless check-in services, which was something that was already gaining popularity before the pandemic. Grocery stores and airlines are two other examples of places you might find self-service options that help you breeze through your experience.


Keeping your customers happy and engaged is not always an easy feat. However, when you look at your business in terms of being able to add value through things like branding, personalized communications, and self-service options, you open up new opportunities to impress. And, you can also add in a few simple strategies to free up your time so that you can be available for the customers that need you the most.

Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Contact KDE Technology today!!!